Miro was unable to answer these questions...
...so he hired a ferret to answer them for him
What? Sex: Eep. Height: How am I supposed to know that? Eye color: Wait, I know this one...oh no, nevermind. Birthplace: A hole. Pets: Not sure what that is. Piercing: A what now? Favorite day of the week: No clue what you mean. Favorite flower: Flaaaaawerrrr? Favorite sport to watch: Beavers building a dam. Favorite drink: Ferretini. Favorite ice cream flavor: Tree barks n' cream. Favorite fast food restuarant: My bowl. Carpet color in your bedroom: That's private, sorry. Most annoying thing to say to me: Squeebee Ishkabooger. Favorite TV show: Like I fucking know what that is??? What are you wearing right now: Fur. What toothpaste do you use: Hah. Do you prefer boxers or briefs: Fur. How do you vent your anger: Chisel through cardboard. What do you drive: I can't drive.....55!! How many languages can you speak: How many ?'s left? What is your worst fear: Bunny ears being glued to my head. Coke or pepsi: If you put either in my bowl I will kill you. Favorite scent: Not me, that's for damn damn.
Favorite music: Squeeeeaaaaak Aeeeeeeeebu. What are you listening to right now: Deeda deeda deedadoo.